Toggle the display between floating-point (FLOP), integer (INT) operations, and mixed operations (floating-point and integer). For example, choose this option for non-MPI applications. This option may be disabled if you choose a number of CPU cores exceeding the maximum number of cores available on one socket.Ĭhoose Spread cores between all n sockets if your application binds memory to all sockets. For example, choose this option for MPI applications structured as one rank per socket.
You’ll see the following options if your code is running on a multisocket PC:Ĭhoose Bind cores to 1 socket (default) if your application binds memory to one socket. Maximum number of cores – if your code has more threads than available CPU coresīy default, the number of cores is set to the number of threads used by the application (even values only). Number of cores equal or close to the number of threads – if your code has fewer threads than available CPU cores (You can use Intel Advisor filters to control the loops displayed in the Roofline chart however, the Roofline chart does not support the Threads filter.)Ĭhoose the appropriate number of CPU cores to scale roof values up or down: Use the arrow to toggle between the options.Īdjust rooflines to see practical performance limits for your code on the host system.īuild roofs for single-threaded applications (or for multi-threaded applications configured to run single threaded, such as one thread-per-rank for MPI applications. Undo or Redo: Undo or redo the previous zoom action.Ĭancel Zoom: Reset to the default zoom level.Įxport as x: Export the chart as a dynamic and interactive HTML or SVG file that does not require the Intel Advisor viewer for display. Move View By Mouse: Move the chart left, right, up, and down. You can also zoom in and out using your mouse wheel.

Zoom by Mouse Rect: Zoom in and out by tracing a rectangle with your mouse. Select Loops by Mouse Rect: Select one or more loops/functions by tracing a rectangle with your mouse.

Accuracy append app-working-dir assume-dependencies assume-hide-taxes assume-ndim-dependency assume-single-data-transfer auto-finalize batching benchmarks-sync bottom-up cache-binaries cache-binaries-mode cache-config cache-simulation cache-sources cachesim cachesim-associativity cachesim-cacheline-size cachesim-mode cachesim-sampling-factor cachesim-sets check-profitability clear config count-logical-instructions count-memory-instructions count-memory-objects-accesses count-mov-instructions count-send-latency cpu-scale-factor csv-delimiter custom-config data-limit data-reuse-analysis data-transfer data-transfer-histogram data-transfer-page-size data-type delete-tripcounts disable-fp64-math-optimization display-callstack dry-run duration dynamic enable-cache-simulation enable-data-transfer-analysis enable-task-chunking enforce-baseline-decomposition enforce-fallback enforce-offloads estimate-max-speedup evaluate-min-speedup exclude-files executable-of-interest exp-dir filter filter-by-scope filter-reductions flop force-32bit-arithmetics force-64bit-arithmetics format gpu gpu-carm gpu-sampling-interval hide-data-transfer-tax ignore ignore-app-mismatch ignore-checksums instance-of-interest integrated interval limit loop-call-count-limit loop-filter-threshold loops mark-up mark-up-list memory-level memory-operation-type mix mkl-user-mode model-baseline-gpu model-children model-extended-math model-system-calls module-filter module-filter-mode mpi-rank mrte-mode ndim-depth-limit option-file overlap-taxes pack profile-gpu profile-intel-perf-libs profile-jit profile-python profile-stripped-binaries project-dir quiet recalculate-time record-mem-allocations record-stack-frame reduce-lock-contention reduce-lock-overhead reduce-site-overhead reduce-task-overhead refinalize-survey remove report-output report-template result-dir resume-after return-app-exitcode search-dir search-n-dim select set-dependency set-parallel set-parameter show-all-columns show-all-rows show-functions show-loops show-not-executed show-report small-node-filter sort-asc sort-desc spill-analysis stack-access-granularity stack-stitching stack-unwind-limit stacks stackwalk-mode start-paused static-instruction-mix strategy support-multi-isa-binaries target-device target-gpu target-pid target-process target-system threading-model threads top-down trace-mode trace-mpi track-memory-objects track-stack-accesses track-stack-variables trip-counts verbose with-stack