“To reap the full rewards of the movement, you want to move slow and with precise execution-which is hard to do moving at a high intensity,” she explains. Fully extend your legs and hold them parallel to the ground while keeping your knees bent with the feet together. Use both hands to grab the top of the bench and make sure your body does not slip down from that position. She suggests adding it to your workout regime once a week during a core circuit-especially pairing it with other moves that focus on stability and strength like planks and side planks. Lie on a decline bench so that your head is at a higher position than your feet. If you have an adjustable bench, you can dr. You get a significant bang for your efforts,” Phelps says. The problem with the reverse crunch that many individuals run into is the lack of resistance during the movement. “Compared to other core exercises, the reverse crunch is guaranteed to torch your core without having to do a ton of reps. Holding the weight between your feet and sitting on your tailbone on a bench, breathe out every time you contract your abs, making sure your abdominals are. And the strength you build in your core helps stabilize your body and avoid injury during more complex movements like deadlifts and loaded squats. 19 Bodyweight Exercises Abdominal crunch Reverse crunch Superman Push-up.

Not only are you working the real strengtheners, but you’re also building real strength: “When you perform a rep slowly and in control like you do here, your muscles work at high intensity for the entire duration of the movement-an essential element to building muscle,” she adds. Bench Press - Medium Grip 4 sets, 10-12 reps + 8 more exercises BodyFit 6. Reverse crunches also engage your obliques and transverse abdominals-the muscles on the side of your sick pack, and the deep core muscle in charge of stabilizing the spine and core, respectively. One advantage of the reverse crunch is that it requires no equipment, so you can do it at home, in a hotel room, outdoors, or anywhere. 17 Yoga Moves That Will Help You Sculpt Abs.